Benefits of Neopixel Blades for the Lightsabers

Neopixel saber blades are the most popular and high quality blades suitable for combat and dueling. They are not the cheaper ones but their prices are worth an investment based on the quality and features. These blades are special due to their customizable ability, you can get a variety of shapes, hilt colors as well as the color emitted by the blade.
Heavy Grade Polycarbonate Blade:
Do you want to embark on the Star Wars mission? Well, Ahsoka force fix lightsaber is just the perfect saber for a quality experience. This saber has the neopixel blade that is made up of a heavy grade polycarbonate material shaped and sized according to the client’s preferences.
Perfect for Cosplay:
Neopixel lightsabers are the best choice for anyone looking for a prop to add into their cosplay costume. Due to the real tech engineering done on this sabers, heavy duelers stick to its standard setup for easy maneuvering.
Variety of Colors:
A customized ahsoka force fix lightsaber can give you the ability to interchange colors. The light can be adjusted to solid, low flickering and fast flickering. This basically means that one can seem to change the crystal every now and then which is not actually the case. This saber is the perfect pick for anyone serving the dark or the light side.
When it comes to the sound of neopixel sabers, the volume can be adjusted effectively to no sound, soft or loud sound. Kylo lightsaber has a variety of background music available where more can be installed using an SD card. This SD card is used for customization of color sound as well as other functions.
Additional Features:
Neopixel sabers come with many cool additional features that make the general quality and usability even better. These features include, blaster, pre power on, lock-up, and flash on while more other can be installed into the profile of the saber using an SD card. This upgrade practically brings out a smooth swing and improves force function of the saber. These sabers also have a safety system where the battery is set on the backwards for protection. It also has an over discharge system in case the saber is excessively charged.
Sabers enthusiast get to enjoy the most out of their Star Wars experience using these neopixel dueling lightsabers. A little light dueling wouldn’t hurt anyone, right?