New Jedi Order Starring Rey’s Character, ‘So Exhausted’ Says Daisy Ridley

New Jedi Order Starring Rey’s Character, ‘So Exhausted’ Says Daisy Ridley

Daisy Ridley, the talented actress behind Rey, shares her mix of excitement and nerves as she takes on the challenge of portraying the iconic character in the upcoming Star Wars: The New Jedi. She describes her feelings as "exciting and nerve-racking."

During an interview with Cobham-Hervey, she said she had to undergo swimming training with some heavy-weighing vintage costumes. 

'When you’re actually swimming in them, it’s like wearing a weight vest; I’m not joking; it’s like 10 kilos,' she said. 

This physical challenge was just one of the many she faced during her preparation for the role. The fun fact is she had yet to finish reading the script for the Star Wars film, “I have not read actual words on actual paper, but (a script) is soon coming.” 

While preparing for the role through physical workouts, Daisy will be an executive producer behind the screen. 

"I was treated very much like a partner," she said of the job. "I initially came on as an actor, and then when it came to, we were really going, I had some script notes, I had some ideas, one of them being I really wanted the sister relationship to be the center of the film. And honestly, [I] was just treated like a partner form then on. I knew who was being cast; my opinion was always valid and heard."

In one of her films, beyond Star Wars, Daisy acted as a real-life Olympic swimmer who became the first woman to swim across the English Channel in 1926. With Olympic silver medal winner Siobhan O’Connor, the 32-year-old trained for three months to prepare for the role. 

She continued training and improved her swimming technique during filming. The highest she swam was almost 150 meters in the sea, battling currents and keeping up with the camera boat. 

With intensive practice, she feels like she is finally ready for the Star Wars saga again. 

Stay tuned to ARTSABERS for more updated news on Star Wars.