Controversy erupts Over ‘Star Wars Outlaws’ Jabba the Hutt Season Pass. Ubisoft responds

Controversy erupts Over ‘Star Wars Outlaws’ Jabba the Hutt Season Pass. Ubisoft responds

'Star Wars Outlaws' Jabba the Hutt Mission asks for an optional extra to the $70 / £70 standard game. Ubisoft clarifies the mission is one among many.

Star Wars Outlaws is in the news, and not for good reasons. A few after releasing the trailer, Ubisoft jolts fans with a pricey Season Pass for the locked Jabba the Hutt mission.

According to reports, Ubisoft is asking for an extra $40 with the Gold Edition, which means a total of $110 for the season pass. 

An explainer on the official Ubisoft reads, “Play the exclusive Jabba's Gambit mission at launch. Just as Kay is putting together a crew for the Canto Bight heist, she receives a job from Jabba the Hutt himself. Turns out that ND-5 owes Jabba a debt from years ago, and he has come to collect”.  

Responding to the controversy, a Ubisoft spokesperson clarified that the 'Jabba's Gambit' mission is an optional additional mission. The statement added that Jabba the Hutt and the Hutt Cartel are among the main Star Wars Outlaws syndicates that are for everyone.

Despite the clarification, fans are confused over the mission of 'Jabba's Gambit' for those with the game's vanilla Standard Edition. 

“We still don’t know whether we’ll be able to play the mission in the future,” said an owner of the vanilla Standard Edition who paid £60.

The additional mission is currently available for the game's pricey Gold or Ultimate Editions, which come at £95 and £115, respectively. 

Developed by the Division studio Massive Entertainment, Star Wars Outlaws is scheduled for a release on 30th August 2024.